Bedding of selected natural poplar wood fibers dried and sieved carefully.
Chemical and Physical Properties
Colour: yellow
Structure: cubic
Average particle size/.particle range: 2.5 mm – 3.5 mm
Ash (850 °C, 4 h) : ~ 0.5%
Density: 160 g/l - 240 g/l
pH-value (10 % suspension) : 4.5 - 6.5
Very low dust content
The size of the product is distributed as follows:
> 2,5 mm
25 % - 50 %
> 2 mm
60% - 85 %
> 1.25 mm
min. 90 %
> 0.71 mm
min. 97 %
Product Objective
SAFE Select Fine is an ecological product made from renewable raw materials.
The structure of poplar confers elevated absorption capacity.
Given its natural character, slight differences compared to the values listed above can happen.
Further information: tech_tds_safe_select_fine_en